List of Degree Programs / Courses

The consortium involves Francophone and Anglophone countries and will promote bilingual aptitude in students throughout the implementation of the program. Language will not be an obstacle in access to study. However, expansion of foreign language study will be reinforced.

Universities Programs Description Outcomes
Ebonyi State University, Nigeria MSc in Biotechnology This program aims at endowing its graduates with skills and knowledge in genetics, plant breeding and agricultural biotechnology to promote innovative research for agricultural developmentThe program will expose students to advanced courses in the areas of Biotechnology that are of relevance to man, especially in plant breeding. It will equip students. Graduates will be able to: engage in teaching and research in the field of biotechnology; apply biotechnology methods in solving food, energy, and environmental sectors; apply biotechnology (genomics) approaches to improve crop plants and develop high yielding varieties that fit different agro ecological regions, as well as combat climate change; Manage plant genetic resources for food and agriculture using biotechnology techniques; work as entrepreneurs in biotechnology related ventures.
Ebonyi State University, Nigeria MSc in Genetics and Plant Breeding The program will provide students with the relevant knowledge to be able to use appropriate technologies to develop crops production. Graduates of this program will be able to manage plant genetic resources for foods and agriculture as well as disseminate their knowledge to farmers.
Ebonyi State University, Nigeria PhD in Genetics and Plant Breeding The program will develop skills in students to let them integrate genetics in the fields of crop production. High profiled researchers will be trained through this program to provide expertise in plant breeding, genetics materials and agriculture extension.
University of Abomey-Calavi MSc in Biotechnology and Plant Breeding This program aims at endowing its graduates with skills and knowledge in genetics, plant breeding and agricultural biotechnology to promote innovative research for agricultural development. Graduates will be able to conduct basic and applied research in the fields of biotechnology, plant breeding and seed ecology. They can also work as entrepreneurs or policy makers for national or international organizations.
University of Abomey-Calavi PhD in Plant Genetic Resources and Crop Protection This PhD intends to produce high level scientists with the knowledge and experience required to direct or lead research related to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture or plant protection. Graduates will be able to develop improved crop varieties that could fit the different agro-ecological regions of the country, contribute to advancing knowledge and innovation for the formulation of policies in the fields of plant protection.
Jimma University MSc in Plant Breeding This multidisciplinary program will provide students with strong theoretical and practical knowledge in plant breeding. Students will also be required to do community based training programmes to identify crop problem in neighboring farms and propose solutions. At the end of this programme, graduates will be equipped with the skills needed to engage in teaching in the field of plant breeding at various levels or provide technical expertise to seed enterprises among others.
Jimma University Master in Plant Biotechnology This programme aims at fostering the use of new technologies to enhance plant breeding and solve crop production constraints. It emphasizes on molecular biology, molecular marker technology or recombinant DNA technology. Graduates of this programmes will be capable of carrying out both basic and applied research in the area of plant biotechnology in academic and/or industries, as well as transferring plant biotechnology knowledge to the farmers for a wider application in agriculture.
Jimma University PhD in Plant Breeding The PhD programme aims at producing highly qualified graduates with the necessary skills to undertake teaching, research, extension and decision-making in plant breeding and plant biotechnology. The graduates will be able of teaching, conducting research and managing plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.
University of Yaounde 1 MSc in Seed Technology The MSc program aims at training managers responsible for national seed activity, i.e. able to run companies specializing in the various sectors of the seed business; and, specialists who will be responsible for certification and quality control of seeds. The graduates can access doctoral studies throughout the world, and opens prospects of becoming teacher-researcher. They also acquire professional skills that enable them to self-employ, especially in all areas of seed activity. They can also be employed in private or public administration structures involved in seed activity.
University of Yaounde 1 MSc in Horticulture The program aims at strengthening skills in the field of horticulture in urban and peri-urban areas. Graduates would be experts in the control of horticultural systems and actors at different levels having mastered the production, marketing, distribution, conservation and valorisation of horticultural products. They qualify to be teacher-researcher, state employees (civil servants) or executives in companies that market vegetable crops. They can also develop their own production and commercialization of decorative species in urban and outer-urban areas.
University of Yaounde 1 MSc in Genetics and Plant Breeding The program is for capacity building in the domains of genetic resources management and plant breeding - to train specialists who can collect, characterize and preserve the genetic resources of the main tropical plant species using different tools, with an in-depth examination of varietal creation and selection methods as well as seed multiplication strategies for the various tropical species. The program opens up the possibility of pursuing doctoral studies and the opportunity to become teacher-researcher at different levels and nations to individuals. They could also be employed in Agricultural Research Institutes within their various programs for the genetic improvement of crop species. Acquired skills will be of value in agro-industries and their expertise could be utilized in the conservation of various neglected local species that are almost going extinct.
University of Yaounde 1 PhD in Plant Biotechnology The PhD program enables students conduct in-depth research program on a theme in plant biotechnology. These are presented in a series of seminars to avoid isolation and further expose both student and supervisor (or the restricted team of supervisors) for more learning and quality research output through brainstorming. PhD holders in plant biotechnology could apply to post-doc abroad to acquire new skills, which would enable them implement high throughput technology tools in breeding. Graduates would also be eligible for recruitment as teacher-researchers, researchers within the Cameroonian or international Research Institutes. They could also work in NGOs that advocate for nature conservation, sustainable management of biodiversity, and are interested in climate change, energy transition or carbon market.